Long Two Weeks

I have been working for 12 days straight. Monday to the following friday. I was so excited for my weekend because Mark had the entire weekend off, and it was supposed to be beautiful out!! Then Friday morning i find out that i now have two visits to do from my per diem job (and i dont have a choice, i am the one on call). I literally started to cry...on the phone...with my boss. Yes super professional. But i calmed down and was able to figure it all out. 
Mark and I got a bunch done yesterday, we took all the glass out of our storm doors and put in the screens. Except, Mark opened the hood of my car to do my oil change, and there is coolant all over the inside of my car! He says it needs to be parked and taken right to Honda. This better be under warranty! I only have 6,000 miles on it. WTF. 
This week my goal is to start sanding down the bench that is in the front yard and to start painting it a fun color. Im thinking a blue, green or purple! Yay for spring! Re-doing the bench is kinda my trial run for when i do the kitchen table. 
I am also reading a new book! Slowly of course, but it is very good. I just need to spend more time reading, and less time with the TV on. Mark and i finally moved into the 21st century-we have cable! It was a whole big to-do, but now it is working great. 
Currently I am at the bowling ally, because Mark is in a bowling tournament. After this we are driving up to MA to pick up his bike because his father would like it out of the garage. So we will make the long journey up and back tonight, and then hopefully have a little time to ourselves tonight to get ready for work Monday morning. Well, it looks like Mark is done, and we will not be staying any longer...time to pack up and get ready to leave. Thats all for now. Maybe the next post ill do a wedding update! 


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