
Showing posts from January, 2015

Fitness Day 2

Today I had completed my second day of being fit and healthy. I did a bunch of extra things today like going up and down the stairs at the office. Every step counts! I did really good with my nutrition today as well. Today's workout was body combat. It is a class I used to take at my old gym. It's basically a martial arts type of thing. I was able to find videos of the routines on line so I could feel like I was participating in class. The only thing is my back is now bothering me because of all the punching and twisting I had to do. I hope when I get on the scale tomorrow it reflects my effort today! Night :)

Flank Steak

The other night i was looking for something new and different to try and make for dinner. I went for a flank steak with a blue cheese butter sauce. I wasnt sure how it would turn out, especially since Mark really does like blue cheese all that much. WELL, it turned out amazing!! I just have to share the recipe and the photo below...Def give it a try and let me know if you like it like i did... Ingredients 1/2 C Canola Oil 1/4 C Cider Vinegar 1/4 C Honey 1 Tbsp. Reduced-Sodium Soy Sauce 1/2 Tsp. Paprika 1 Beef Flank Steak (2 lbs) Blue Cheese Butter: 3/4 C Crumbled Blue Cheese 3 Tbsp. Butter, softened 1 Green Onion, chopped 1.5 Tbsp. Cilantro Paste 1/8 Tsp. Salt 1/8 Tsp. Pepper 1. In a large plastic bag, combine the first five ingredients. Add in the steak. Seal the bag and turn to coat. Refridgerate for about 1-4 hours. (I did mine as i went, so it only stayed with the sauce for about 30 minutes. 2. Drain the beef, discarding the marinade (or you can use it as it co

The Perfect Hope

I had mentioned before that i was reading the Inn BoonsBoro Trilogy by Nora Roberts. Yesterday i stayed in bed and finished the last book. It was so good and i am very sad that it is over now.  The Perfect Hope is a story about the growing relationship between the Inn Keeper (named Hope) and the last available Montegomery brother, Ryder. Hope is very strong willed, and came to be in the Inn Keeper after she found he last boyfriend cheating on her. She only found out he was cheating because he announced his engagement to another woman. So she moved up to Boonsboro to be with her closest friend, and met another girlfriend along the way. Ryder is the ruff and tough, doesnt do well with feelings, makes fun of this brothers for being in relationships type of guy. He even damed his dog DA (short for dumb ass). Hope and Ryder pretty much hate each other from the beginning. The first time to change things is when the Inn's hopelessy romantic ghost named lizzie locks the two of them in a

Fitness Planning

Tonight when i was watching mark bowel, i wrote out my weekly plan for fitness, and nutrition plan for the week. When i get home i am putting my scale away so that i can only check my weight once daily instead of 10 times daily.  Below is the picture of what i wrote out. For each meal i have two options, that way i can trade back and forth between the two. Please wish me luck!!

Mary Kate and Ashley Magazine

I just wanted to say that i got the first issue of their magazine in the mail today! I am super excited to read it later on when i have some time. Tonight i went back on to amazon and ebay to see if i could find the 3rd and final issue, and no luck! But that does not mean i am not going to stop trying. I also decided i was going to write down the other main characters from their other movies i love and try and find them online to get the autograph the way that i did for Ben Easter. Below i posted a picture of the premier issue!

Work!! Fitness!! Success??

Tonight is friday, and typically i am excited that tomorrow i have the day off, to just hang out and relax. But this time around i decided to pick up an admission for one of my jobs, and i picked up another admission for another one of my jobs. Making two admissions tomorrow, on my "day off". I want to start picking up more work, and not feel so worried about money. That would be nice! What i have started to do is for every pay check i get 15% goes into my savings and 15% goes into my vacation fund. That way i am working hard, but it allows me almost an "allowance" to have fun! Now that i am getting more work, it is time to focus on my fitness. Mark had asked me what i did last time to make it work, and the truth was that i did classes. I used to do boot camp on mondays, combat on wednesday, and friday i did body pump. Tuesday, thursday and saturday i did a regular workout at the gym, and sundays i took off. The only reason i really took it off was because i was wor

Down In The Dumps

Lately i have been pretty upset, and just not myself. Mark is noticing, and getting really upset, and i just dont know what to do. Work has been tough, and stressful, and sometimes i just wanna pursue my dream of opening up my own restraunt, but of course that cant happen. I studdied so hard and so long to be a nurse "so why would i ever want to give that up?" Then my weight is bothering me, not to mention my lack of physical activity. I have all the plans and mini goals, and i just do not understand. I did so well last time, and i just cant seem to be successful. I even already booked my cruise for next year, and i thought that would be good motivation. I even find old pictures of myself, and i looked so good!! There are so many things that i want to change in my life or make better, and i just feel powerless. This is the part in my life where i will start to push Mark away. I already warned him that i would be like this. So i went back to my second job and started to pick u

Mary Kate and Ashley

Growing up i was OBSESSED with the Olsen twins, as i am sure other young teen girls were too. Well my enjoyment of their books and movies has stuck with me through the years. I am the girl in college, who has almost all of their DVDs and plays them on a regular basis while studying or cleaning. Now they are played while studying and cleaning because they are background noise, that is because i know them all, almost word for word.  So i decided, i was going to make one big list of all their books and movies, and try to collect them all. So far i have a good collection going, but i still need more. The local used book store in town told me that they no longer accept the MKA books, but if they know i want them, i can give them a list of which ones, and they will put them aside for me!  I also now find myself going to places like goodwill to try and find the old VHS tapes that people have donated because they no longer want them. I also have been doing some research and back in 2001 t

Happy New Years

Every year people make all kinds of resolutions... and typically people drop them by the second week in january, or if they are lucky, they can hold on until february. I had seen online the other day someones resolution was for people to start loving who they were and to accept themselves and to stop trying to always change.  NOW, i love that resolution and i hope people are able to accept who they are, except in my case i am not healthy, and not only do i want to become healthy, but i am stretching for a much larger goal, and i hope that i can accomplish it! Every year we always see the magazines post online and publish in their magazines people who are now half their size, and the before and after pictures. I want to be one of those people. I want to work and push hard to become someone who is proud for becoming healthy and fit.  I do have something as motivation, and that would be my cruise that is next year. I DO NOT want to look the way i currently am on the cruise, nor do