Merry Christmas!

I hope santa was good to everyone! Santa was very good to me this year :) I must have been better then i remember! haha But anyways, my day was lovely, although mark and i were apart. My families tradition is to wake up slowly, and i make these sugary bread things. We make mimosas, and then we start to unwrap our stocking presents. We go in order of age, and go one present by one present. Then we work at the tree, in the same sort of fashion. We always wanted christmas to last, and we usually are not done with unwrapping until 2-3pm, so this way makes it last. Then we hung out, and went to drive to look at the lights, and we all played pictionary. It was a wonderful evening. Christmas Eve I actually hosted at our house, which was a night of good laughs and good food. 
Here is a picture of mark and I by our tree. He's not really smiling but it's the only version that came out somewhat clear! 
Our tree on Christmas morning! 
The pretty tree and mom and dads :) 


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