
Showing posts from August, 2014

My Day in Pictures

I saw a cool idea of doing a post where it shows your day in pictures. What I did was last Friday I set an alarm for every hour from when I got up, that way I remembered to take the pic. So here goes...  10 AM- morning! My day to actually sleep 11 AM- cleaning the third bedroom, including the two litter boxes. My baby Zoe in the corner  12 PM- just getting to work. My client lives in black point beach association  1 PM- my client was next doors visiting her neighbors so I cooked up the stuffing mixture for stuffed peppers. 2 PM- still at work. My show SVU came on  3 PM- done with work. Now off to my run and bike ride  4 PM- my alarm goes off just as I got back and plopped myself onto the couch. Relaxing from my workout  5 PM- enjoying talking to mom and brother  6 PM- getting some stuff done around the house. Like hanging the pics up  7 PM- my brothers last night home before college. We get to order Chinese!  8 PM- just got home with the food!  9 PM- sitting around the table. Mark join

Dinner With Friends

Tonight Marks good friend from MA came down with his fiance and met us for dinner. We went to longhorn steak house, because his friends are really into steak, me however, i usually go with the chicken. Fortunately the place was in the same town as we live. That way it was right down the road so that his friend and fiance could see our place. Well i REALLY enjoyed my dinner. I ordered the parmesan garlic chicken and it was amazing. One of the first things i did when i got home was find the copycat recipe online to make the chicken myself. It came with a caesar salad and a side. I picked french fries as my side. Mark got a steak with shrimp, rice and a sweet potato. The shrimp was DELISH as well! The part that didn't go so well is that most of our meals were messed up. Marks steak was way over cooked, they didn't bring my mayo, or two sides of sour cream. Then Linda (the fiance), her meal was all wrong. We had to send it back twice, and when it came the third time when she cut it

First Date

Since Mark and I are coming up on the one year mark I figured I would tell everyone how we met and what our first date was like. How we met: we both joined This stood for plenty of fish. I joined because my ex had just dumped me and I simply wanted a distraction. Boy did I get one! I joined on August 21st, 2013. I met mark by August 24th, 2013. Then we had our first date planned for Labor Day, Monday September 2nd, 2013. Up until our first date we talked frequently. The Wednesday after we met we actually stayed up until around 2am just talking and laughing with each other. I had not laughed that much with a guy in so long! I couldn't wait for our date. I picked out a grill & bar called garrisons. I had been there before with a friend. I was trying to get ready when I realized my broken hair straightener, had yet to be replaced. So now I had to wear my pretty long hair that I typically straighten, in a bun on the top of my head. Cute. The other struggle I had trying

Planning our One Year Anniversary

So mark and my one year is coming up on September 10th. That day is Wednesday and mark works late on Wednesdays. So I decided to do something for us/him on that Saturday. He doesn't know about this plan he just knows the date and to come home after work when he's out at 5pm. So here is the plan. I am making a very nice dinner for the two of us. The appetizer is going to be a roast beef crostini with sour cream mixed with garlic and chives. Topped with pomegranate seeds. Dinner is orecchiette al forno. This dish came from an Italian restaurant in the north end in Boston. It's a creamy cheese pasta, baked with tomatoes and broccoli topped with a truffle oil. It was delicious! I contacted the restaurant and the sou chef gave me the recipe. Then I am making a homemade garlic bread. For dessert I am making a panna cotta with a strawberry/raspberry sauce and fruit on top. The plan: I have this screened in porch attached to the side of my house. I am going to be hanging Christ

Last Thing 2 Make Me Cry: Grey's Anatomy

On my list of 101 things to blog suggested to talk about the last thing that made me cry. It was actually last night and it was while I was watching greys anatomy. Well there is an episode where there is a shooter at a local college. With the ER flooding with victims and family members and everything around is chaotic. As one of the doctors: Meredith Grey is walking across the cat walk sort of thing that over looks the parking lot she notices something. So when she goes to talk to the wife of someone who was in surgery she tells everyone to follow her. She brings then to the cat walk and there is a huge vigil of people from the campus singing the college's alma mater. Then all the people inside the hospital were leaning on each other and started to cry. Then that made me cry...

Front Yard

I know about a week ago I mentioned posting a pic of the stone patio that we added to the front yard at my parents house. Below is the pic... Somethings have already changed since this pic. If you look closely there are two small wooden "steps" on the stone near the steps for the deck. Well the other night i finally put in the pieces of blue stone to make the steps. So that looks a lot better. We still have some work to do like outlining the side by the driveway so we can add in more of the white rocks. But that is all in good time!

Front Door Makeover

As you all know my parents house was getting makeovers. Well here is the before and after of their front doors.  This is looking from inside the room where the front door is This was the front of the house. The builders had already taken the siding off back when they did the windows.  Yay our new door and windows for the front are being delivered! Except there was a minor problem: they delivered the door broken. So they took it back right away. And it would take weeks to fix.  So the builders had decided to start building our deck first.  Framing the new front porch The progress so far...I came home from work and suddenly saw this!  A view of the side of the deck...this was their stopping point because the next day the door was being delivered and they needed to leave some railings off  Let's try this door thing again... Looks like the doors are good! So I took another before picture. You can see the deck in this one  Then it was time to cut out the existing doors and windows Then