A Birth Story

Half of below i had typed out to my new son so he knew his birth story, so that is why it sounds like i am talking to him.

Sunday 3/25 I went into the hospital to be induced.

Induction was interesting. They inserted a balloon that night and told me that in the morning the real process would start. The night of the 25th i didn't get much sleep. I fortunately had my husband and mother there with me.

Monday 3/26-they started the pitocin. I labored all day without any medication. Around noon the doctor came in and broke my water. The water had meconium in it so the doctor told me that when it was time for my to give birth they would have a NICU team there just incase the baby swallowed any.

Monday evening the pressure and pain was awful and starting to become more than i could handle. Through tears i decided it was time to get an epidural. For the epidural process my husband decided to stay in the room with me. It was an awful experience for me. I kept hyperventilating and it hurt so bad. Now most people can't feel it at all after the lidocaine, i keep getting these "zings" and it would make me jump, which wasn't good. My husband was very uneasy during the process because i kept crying and screaming.

Once the epidural was in, i was able to finally get some sleep!

1 AM I woke up because of the severe pain. I was asking for more pain medications, and so they came in and gave me a bolus, checked the epidural and said it was in place. However, it just wasn’t helping! After a little bit of sitting through extreme pain, they asked them to come back in. They checked the epidural and said it was still in place, but that I was maxed out and couldn’t have any more medication, and they left again. Then all the sudden the nurse and MD (speranza) came in and told me “we need you to roll to your side.” So I started to roll, and they told me “we need you to do it faster.” At that point I knew what was happening. I knew that your heart rate was low, and so they were trying to get it back up. So I rolled to my left, then they had me on my hands and knees, and then on my right. Nothing was working, and more people came in because your heart rate was down to 60 (really not good). Well it turns out that my epidural had in fact come out, so I was feeling everything! They could not stabilize your heart rate, and told me that they were going to have to do an emergency C section and put me under for it. I had to be put under since the epidural came out and they wouldn’t have time to place another one to numb me for the surgery. As soon as they said I was going to be put asleep I panicked. They actually used my call light to call down to the nurses station to tell them they were going to be heading down to surgery with me. They also tried to put the oxygen mask on my face, and I just remember my eyes bugging out and looking right at Mark. I have this fear of masks since all my surgeries. They were able to calm me down and I was able to breath in the oxygen. Thankfully before they had to take me down your heart rate stabilized. After things settled down they talked to me about another epidural. They told me it was up to me, however if your heart rate dropped again, and I didn’t have an epidural, I would need to be put to sleep for surgery. Where if I had the epidural, I could be awake for the birth. So I decided to get another epidural. Mark decided to step out and let grandma stay with me for that one. Daddy was so nervous and upset about what had just happened that he was crying and called his mom and dad to talk to them, even though it was about 2 AM at that point. I got the second epidural, and that time it went in without any problems. I was itchy so they gave my Benadryl which also helped me fall asleep.
The rest of Tuesday I labored. The MD was giving me until early afternoon to progress and if i didn't, then it was time for a C-section. At that point i was so beyond exhausted i just wanted the C section and for the labor to be done. However every time i was checked, i had progressed.
2:20 PM- pressure was much worse and the feeling of having to poop was awful and they said that’s what it feels like. So the nurse got the MD again to check me. MD said-“lets do one practice round of pushing to see how it goes.” So I push 3 times during one contraction and she’s like “yep you’re ready” I had never been so happy in my life.
 2:35 PM- So we did a few contractions worth of pushing. My nurse had the left leg and mark had the right. Doc left to update the chart to say that I was pushing. So I did a few without her. They asked if I wanted a mirror. I said yes. And MD came back. Well as soon as I got the mirror it was so motivating. I was able to push harder and longer once I could see your head starting to come out.
I could feel your head coming and they asked if I wanted to feel. I did. It was weird at first but it was slimy and I could feel all of your hair.
Then the MD was like “time to break the bed down” so they removed the whole thing and got the drapes ready and got gowned up. They had to take the mirror away at that point because another nurse came in and another doctor and the NICU team, so it was very crowded.
I don’t know how many more contractions I pushed through but I just kept thinking how I want the head out. Because the largest part of the head was just hanging out there and it hurt.
The nurses and doctors also prepared me for shoulder dystocia since they knew you were going to be a big baby. So they told me that if the head comes out and the shoulders get stuck, then suddenly more people will rush into the room. A nurse on either side of the bed will stand on a stool, and basically press really hard on my stomach to help push you out. They said it will hurt a lot, but that is what will have to happen. So the whole time pushing I just kept focusing on pushing out the head.
During one of the contractions it was either the 2ndor 3rdpush and I was looking down as I pushed and suddenly just felt the whole head and then the entire body come out. It was the weirdest feeling.
I looked down and you were out. MD picked you up to show me and I asked boy or girl and they said it’s a boy! And I smiled and looked at your daddy who was very excited and smiling. You weren’t breathing and was very pale with your eyes closed so they immediately cut the cord and gave you to NICU for them to resuscitate. They had to perform deep section, and after a couple of minutes I heard you cry for the first time. I just remember smiling as soon as I heard that cry.
You were born at 3:06 PM and I had you in my arms for the first time at 3:19 PM. You were 8 bs and 12 oz and 21 inches long. Welcome to the family little James Michael.
You were very alert when you first were born. We noticed you had mommies nose, and blue eyes with tons of blonde hair. You had such long fingers and big hands and big feet.
You were born on the anniversary of your great grandpa stacks passing, and have your middle name from him. Your first name is after your great grandpa Leonardo (Quick side).
You are so loved already.

*One funny thing i remember is that when i was holding James i was starving since i only could have clear fluids for 31 hours. There was an opened bag of BBQ potato chips from Marks lunch, and i asked my nurse if i could eat. She said yes, so i asked for the chips. So there i was, eating chips over my newborn

While we were in the hospital someone came by to take photos of him. He was less than 24 hours old. I got a bunch of photos, here are two that i love.


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