Our New Home

Mark and I were anxiously waiting to hear from the seller on a closing date. We were very hopeful for Monday, June 26th, but the seller came back with a different date.

June 27th

We were beyond excited for this day to come. We had been living with my parents in their sunroom. Our closing was set for 3 PM with our walk through at 2 PM.

I was running a bit behind that day as my dad was in the hospital (all is well now) and then i had to go and pick up the balloons i got for the closing. After picking up the balloons i ran home (my parents home) and changed, did my hair and makeup quickly.

I got to the house, and Mark met me from work. Our realtor Nina was already there and we were walking through the house. We were beyond excited. Picturing where our stuff would go in the house. We also noticed that the house was pretty dirty and would need a good cleaning!

This was the start of our next step in life. The first home we bought together. The home we will raise our children in. This is the home we will make our own!

We took many pictures outside with a sold sign and the sold balloons tied to the porch. I have posted those pictures below.

After our walk through we met at the attorneys office and our mortgage lady (Dorothy) was there too. We signed all the paperwork and then took a picture outside by the sign.

Nina, Mark & I and Dorothy after our closing 

Outside the closing office 

Infant of our new home 

Outside our new home with our balloons 

Before the "For Sale" sign got taken away 

Our first night in the home 

One of our first decorations in the new house "its so good to be home" 



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