
Showing posts from April, 2017

Stacks are Under Deposit!

Tuesday 4/18 during my work day i received a text from my mom with an address. Now she does this often with houses she will find when she has time at work. Most of the time they are houses i have already seen, but a few are ones i haven't.  So she sends me the address of 4 Wildwood Dr in Niantic CT. I had actually ran out of data for the month, so i wasn't able to check out the house on my phone. Fortunately i actually had just gotten to a patients house (which was in reach of my wifi) so i was able to google the address and find the house.  First i texted her asking how many bed and baths, and she replied with 4 beds and 2.5 baths. I think YAY to myself. Then i ask how many garages, and she says 1. Booo! But i decided to check it out anyways.  This beauty shows up! I was clicking through the photos, and realized i loved it. I love all the pictures and the location! I immediately texted our realtor and sent her the address. I saw that there was a planned open house

Stacks are House Hunting!

Monday 4/17 we had an apt to go and check out a house. We were all very excited about it, so Mom got out of work early, i went and got Ryan, and even Mark got out of work early and met us there.  Well it was a total disappointment! There was stuff all over the house, and it was just not well kept. The house was being sold "as is" which we were not expecting. Ryan walked in for a few minutes and then left and waited in the car! It was that bad. Mark and I were so upset and feeling so down about it!  Its hard knowing that our deadline for when we move out is approaching, and haven't yet found our forever home. Maybe someday the right house will come on the market. Back to the drawing board.  Here was our disappointment! Sorry if this is someones house on here, it just wasn't for us!  #stacksaredisappointed 

Stacks are moving: Under Contract

Monday 4/10 I called my realtor to check in. Just as i called her she was checking her email. She told me that at that moment, an email came in with an offer. She told me that she was going to read it over, and give me a call back. I was driving between patients, and it literally felt like forever before she called me back. She called me back and read me the offer.   I was excited, sad, and nervous all at once. Someone else would like to call my home, "home." I wasn't sure how to take that.  After two days of negotiations, we came to a deal. Wednesday 4/12 I went into the office and met with my realtor to sign the paperwork. With a few signs of the pen, suddenly my house was under contract. Nina my realtor told me she would be coming by the house to put up an under contract sign! We will be closing on the house on May 26th. So now starts the fun stuff, inspections, appraisals, packing and moving. Then the hard stuff: the goodbyes.  Plus-where will we li

A day in the life of a Weight Watcher: Holiday Edition

For me, succes for each day begins the night before. At some point, before i head to bed i will track on my weight watchers app, my next day of food. For me, it takes the "what should i eat next, I'm on a diet" out of my day. Instead, i just know what is my next meal, and i don't spend the entire day focused on it!  So just last weekend was Easter. It helped that i was planning dinner, so i was able to pre track my whole day.  Here is my breakfast: 1 egg (2) and 2 pieces of turkey bacon (2). Total of 4 SP.  I had breakfast after church around 8:30AM  Around 10:30 AM Mom and I went for a walker around her neighborhood. Yay for fit points!  Lunch was trader joes reduced guilt mac and cheese 8 SP total.  Snack: Tuna packet. I usually like the flavor ones of these, but i was trying to eat these up! 1 SP total.  Snack: ww cheddar twists. I love these, just have to eat them slow. 2 SP total  Dinner was an assortment: mahi ma

Stacks are Reading: Sleepaway Girls

I finally read a book from start to finish! It has been a while since i have been able to do that! I read Sleepaway Girls  by Jen Calonita. It was a very cute book.  The story is about a young girl named Sam who decided to go to a sleep away camp and be a CIT all summer. Sam is learning who she is as an individual, especially without her best friend (who has a new boyfriend) and hasn't payed much attention to Sam in a while. At camp Sam meets that camp director and all the other CIT and counselors. Sam's mother hits it off right away with the director (both who are single). She also gets to meet the camp directors prissy, pain in the ass daughter, Ashley.  When she first gets there she heads down to the field where all the staff are playing a field game. She meets a bunch of girls who she becomes great friends with. This group call themselves...the sleep away girls. Here she also meets total hunk of a counsel, Hunter. Who is totally off limits.  This book takes

Stacks are Cooking: Hello Fresh

Long post ahead! A good friend of mine introduced me to Hello Fresh a while back. Well I have to say that my Husband and I have been enjoying them so much! Of course you will always get a meal that wasn't a favorite, but we also have had many meals that we LOVE. Here are a lot of the meals and my opinions. "Moo Shu Pork Tacos" These were delicious! The part that made the taco amazing was the sauce! It was a mix of a hoisin and mayo. Amazing! I actually went out the next day to buy hoisin so i can start mixing that on sandwiches.  "Chicken Gone Nuts" This chicken was crusted with bread crumbs and crushed walnuts. The broccoli was a bit blah, but the carrots were yummy.  "Rustic Beef Ragu" This meal was just okay. I liked that it was a huge plate full of food, but not my favorite. It was ground beef with veggies over cous cous.  "Lemongrass Pork Burgers" This was a yummy burger. I hadn't tried lemongra

Year of Cupcakes: March

This month was in honor of Saint Patty's day and the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. Making all the different colors for the batter were fun! I was afraid that the colors would blend and turn brown, but they were actually very pretty. The frosting however was a much different story. We were not a fan of the frosting. Of course i ate the one that night, but the rest went to my dad and husband to finish. For me, it wasn't worth the points. In terms of WW points, i can't remember now what they were, but they were reasonable as well. Here is the cupcake as listed on the website: Here is our version (our frosting was way off): So in the end, we would not make this one again. Maybe next months will taste better!