
James Michael- 1 Month Old

4/27/18 Today you are 1 month old! This month flew by as mommy and daddy were learning about you. You love going on walks each night with mommy, daddy, gma and puppy. You love being held- in fact you cry as soon as we put you down. You typically don’t enjoy the bouncy seat or the swing but you do like sitting right up when we hold you. When it comes to bath time you always get startled at first, but then  enjoy it. You learned your “pouty face” and have just started smiling. You just outgrew newborn clothes and are now into size 0-3. When it comes to sleeping you have no problem falling asleep against mommy but your bassinet is still a work in progress. You enjoy shopping with mommy and gma quick. You also went on your first adventure with mommy and daddy to a few waterfalls and a castle. You do well at holding your head up minus a few head butts we all get. We all love you so much and can’t wait to keep watching you learn and grow.

A Birth Story

Half of below i had typed out to my new son so he knew his birth story, so that is why it sounds like i am talking to him. Sunday 3/25 I went into the hospital to be induced. Induction was interesting. They inserted a balloon that night and told me that in the morning the real process would start. The night of the 25th i didn't get much sleep. I fortunately had my husband and mother there with me. Monday 3/26-they started the pitocin. I labored all day without any medication. Around noon the doctor came in and broke my water. The water had meconium in it so the doctor told me that when it was time for my to give birth they would have a NICU team there just incase the baby swallowed any. Monday evening the pressure and pain was awful and starting to become more than i could handle. Through tears i decided it was time to get an epidural. For the epidural process my husband decided to stay in the room with me. It was an awful experience for me. I kept hyperventilating and it h

Our Little Man

We have welcomed into the world a beautiful little boy.  He is named after his two grandfathers. James Michael  He was born March 27th 2018 at 3:06 PM 8lb 12 oz  21 inches His birth was a bit of a story, which i will post at some point. For is a picture of my love  Photo Credit: A Hearts Eye Photography 


The next project in the house was to transform the Nursery. This was a middle school boys room before we moved in, who was a Miami Dolphin fan. Here are the pictures.  Before of the room  Before- there was a stripe all along the wall. You can see in this picture that we removed the baseboard molding because it was awful and needed to be replaced After we removed the shelf and the wall decal. I also patched all the holes in the wall The window was being removed due to our renovation. So this shows before and after of the window and the new wall.  Before of the dresser/changing table-this was mine from when i grew up  Here is the room after a lot of work. I painted the wall grey and then one wall has the white stripes. Mark and I installed the baseboard molding and the crown molding. We loved how it turned out. We also changed out all the outlets and plate covers. The outlets in the room were tan/yellow and nice white ones were installed.  The matchin

Baby Stack-Growing Quickly

This pregnancy has been going by very quickly! Today i am exactly 3 months away from my due date which is so exciting. I have had a very nice pregnancy. First trimester i was extremely tired, otherwise i felt great. No sickness or nausea. I had about two weeks where i had no appetite, but ill take it! Second trimester I've been good. My back is starting to hurt, and sleeping is becoming more and more difficult. I am getting more short of breath and clothing that fit is harder to find. I have been keeping VERY busy between work and redoing the nursery for baby stack. I will post about the nursery next. Here are a few pictures I've taken along the way. This was the first day i found out we were expecting! I had just gotten to my lowest weight, making my weight loss a total of 69lbs!  Half way there and growing very quickly. It was so weird to have my belly getting big again.  This was taken this past weekend when we went out for my husbands birthday. I look MAS

Baby Stack: Coming March 2018

Back in July we found out we were expecting our first child! I was in total shock since we had just moved in and just started trying, but i guess now is when God had planned for us.  I shared the news with Mark the next day at dinner. I had wrapped up a Patriots onsie (seen below) in a tiny little box. The only thing he could see at first was the Patriots symbol. Then he pulled out the onsie. He was like "what is this?" "this won't fit me." He was just as shocked as i was, but then excitement set in.  August 15th we had our first ultra sound apt. We got to see the little bean bouncing around and saw the heart beat. It was too early to hear it. Mom and Mark were both at the apt with me.  Next apt was August 29th, i went by myself. I was 11 weeks, and we were trying to hear the heart beat with the doppler but it was too early, so we did the ultra sound just to make sure all was well. Same thing, the baby was bouncing around.  Yesterday Mom,  Mark an

New and Improved Dinning Room

The dinning rooms was one of the worst rooms when we moved in. There was a light with an awful circle thing around it, a coat rack glued to the wall. The ceiling was painted yellow and then the walls were yellow with an orange sponge paint. AWFUL So after i finished the living room the dinning room was next!  Here is the room before we moved in. Sponge paint and can also see the light and that weird circle thing in the photo Besides removing the coat rack from the wall, we wanted to remove the circle and the light. Well we now know why they put up the circle thing. They cut a hole in the ceiling and decided instead of fixing it, lets just cover it! So we got the job of fixing it.  After everything was sanded, and Mark (husband) had painted the ceiling white. The room was ready for a fresh coat of paint.  Another view of the room. We did realize why they sponge painted it...because they never fully removed the wall paper, so the texture hid the natural