
Showing posts from March, 2017

Year of Cupcakes: February

Recently we made February's cupcake. This one was delicious, and my favorite so far! Here is the picture from food network: We were very excited to make these, and the frosting actual contained white and regular chocolate. This one was much easier, although we had a tough time finding one of the ingredients.  We couldn't find the instant espresso in the store, so we had to buy the regular, and actually brew it and put it in the mixture.  Here is a picture of our cupcake:  The frosting was a little hard to keep separated, but it still tasted amazing! The point value for this cupcake was much higher. For the whole cupcake it was 25 points! If you took off the strawberry it was 23. So what i did was any time i wanted to have some, i would have half. So worth it! 

Year of Cupcakes: January

I receive Foot Networks magazine in the mail. Well the new year issue had an article called "A Year of Cupcakes" where there was one cupcake per month, each with a different theme. Every Wednesday a friend and i make dinner and dessert, and so we decided we would make each cupcake. I will do a post for each cupcake! Here is January's cupcake. Let me first start by saying that this one was a bit difficult to make. There were a lot of steps, and we just couldn't get the frosting to do what it was supposed to.  Here is our version:  Ours didn't look quite like the pic, but oh well!  I also calculate out the points (weight watchers) for each cupcake. I can't remember the point value for these, but i remember they weren't bad. 

Selling Fog Plain

I met with our realtor Nina, and after a bunch of pictures, and a bunch of paperwork that i had to sign, the house was officially listed online on a Friday. I was told the For-Sale sign would be up any time between Monday-Wednesday.  Monday I was crazy busy, and so i thought for sure that by the time i got home from things that the sign would be up. But it wasn't. So then for some reason i just assumed it wouldn't happen on Tuesday, it would be Wednesday. Well Tuesday after getting a few things done, i was driving down the road, when i could see my house and a white sign stuck in my yard.  I parked the car, and just sat there for a moment. I tried to hold back tears as i thought about leaving my first home. The home where my husband and i got married, and where we returned to after our honeymoon. This is the home i worked so hard to get, and made the outdoor living space my dream. I have so many memories here in our home.   We have been on the search for a new home