
Showing posts from March, 2016

Gym Update

Last weekend i got an update from my trainer, that my gym up and closed its doors. Now a little background, i belong to a gym near my house, however there was no personal training. So i went back to my old gym and just signed up for the personal training. Right around black friday i purchased 40 sessions. As you can imagine, that is a pretty penny.  So back to closed doors...they sold the gym, and now the new owners are not opening the doors until middle of April. I just heard from my trainer that they will not allow members to have training only, they have to have a membership too. So she said she would talk to the manager, if he doesn't budge then i have two options.  Option 1-file a refund with the state Option 2-file a claim with my bank So i am not sure what will happen yet, i will probably take care of it once i am back from vacation.  The other thing-my current gym charges $35 monthly. Well today my brother took me to his gym as a guest, and he is payin


We are getting ready to go on an all-inclusive vacation in 3 days! We are all so excited. On Wednesday morning at 5 AM a 6 passenger limo is picking all of us up at my mom and dads house. The limo will take us to JFK airport. Our plane will leave around 10:20 AM and then we will arrive around 3 PM in Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic. We are staying for 4 nights, and i can't wait to explore the resort and enjoy the beautiful tropical paradise. The resort looks awesome and i am so excited! I just wrote up a packing list, because these next few days are crazy busy! Today is Saturday, and a good friend of mine came here from MA to visit. She is moving to VA soon, and this is my last time seeing her before she moves away. Sunday morning we are meeting with the father to discuss our wedding. Right from there Mark is going bowling all day, so he won't be around. Monday Mark works a full day and then goes bowling. I am working a half day, and then ill have time to go to the